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Mid magdalena valley

Great bird activity to your list !

Travelling from the city of Medellín, we can reach this exuberant region, which is crossed by the Colombia’s main River “Rio Magdalena” flowing between the central and eastern mountain ranges toward the Caribbean Sea.


A tropical humid forest where karstic formations, and crystalline rivers with marble bedrock are found. Without doubt, birding this place will be a great experience !


Its astonishing avifauna is represented for some  Central- American species such as Bare-crowned Antbird, Black Antshrike and Black Oropendola finding its South American limit in this ecosystem. Some species from Chocó region are also found here.

In this zone, we can bird at:


Cañón Del Río Claro: Full of flora and fauna and its clear river “Rio Claro”, which during millions of years open up way through high slopes of limestone to form the bigger marble canyon existing in Colombia. Let’s take a breath with:

Colombian Chachalaca (E), Sooty Ant-Tanager (E), White-mantled Barbet (E), Beautiful Woodpecker (E), Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant (E), Pacific Antwren, Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo(NE), Saffron-headed Parrot, Barred Puffbird; Brownish Twistwing, Citron-throated Toucan, Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant, Slate-coloured Grosbeak, Dull-mantled and Bicoloured Antbirds, Grey-cheeked Nunlet, Checker-throated Antwren, Scarlet-browed Tanager, Southern Bentbill, Olivaceous Flatbill and Blue Cotinga...

Cueva Del Condor: Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant, Oilbirds and more.

Magdalena River Banks: Once the sunset is saying goodbye to the day, we have to be with wide-eyed open to spot  the near endemic Northern Screamer and some elegant Egrets that used to hang out in the wetlands around.



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