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Pacific Region

Where the jungle is hugged by the Pacific Ocean !

Choco Trogon

Thanks to their immense beauty and access,Bahia Solano, Utría national park and Nuqui are best zones for birdwatching in this region,we can fly from many cities of the country by airplane.

Once there and just stepping in from the beach while we are looking for some interesting shore birds suddenly we are into one of the much biodiverse jungles on the earth , this pristine place holds birds that happen in Ecuador and panama and few others spread in the country.

Taking a small boat through rivers of Tundó, El Valle, Boroboro and Tundó near Utría National Park, we have excellent birding trip through mangrove ecosystems and reach indigenous communities.

Depending the season we visited, there is a great, unique opportunity to enjoy Humpback whales, nesting turtles, which are being protected by some native people and lodges. plus many possible mammals we could meet in our walkings.

The people here are so friendly and their “sabor” for cooking satisfies, hit all kinds of palate.


Spots to visit


El valle trail toward Bahia Solano

The rare Sooty-capped Puffbird (NE),Grey-chested Dove,White-necked Puffbird,White-fronted Nunbird,Yellow-eared  Toucanet,Black-striped and Crimson-bellied Woodpecker,Stub-tailed Antbird,Dull-mantled Antbird,Chestnut-backed Antbird,Immaculate Antbird,Black-headed Antthrush,Thicket Antpitta,Purple-throated Fruitcrow,Black-tipped and Blue Cotingas,Blue Dacnis ,Scarlet-thighed and Fulvous-vented Euphonia. 


El Valle trail toward Utría National Park

Flocks of Great Green Macaws,Choco Toucan,Dusky Pigeon, Agil Manakins,Great Curassow,Cinnamon Woodcreeper,Plumbeous Hawk,Northern Barred Woodcreeper, Black-headed Antthrush, Antbirs and Streak-chested Antpitta. let’s visit a nesting colony of the endemic Baudo Oropendolas. 


Refugio de Fauna y Flora del Valle

Exuberant forest with many interesting birds: Berlepsch’s Tinamou (NE),Red-capped and Blue-crowned manakin, Five-colored and Spot-crowned Barbet; Ocellated, Spotted and Bicolored Antbirds following  swarms of army Ants.

Using a tree platform we may be able to see Black-breasted and Pied puffbird, Rose-faced and Saffron-headed Parrot, Slaty Gnatcatcher,Scarlet  and Lemon-browed Tanager,Plain-colored Tanager,Tawny-crested Tanager,Scarlet and white Tanager,Rufous-winged Tanager and Blue-whiskered Tanager plus many more.

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